A Worshipping Community (Genesis 4:1-16)

We know that the fall of mankind radically changes human history.  It also changes how we relate to God.  Can we have a relationship with the Lord once again?  What does that relationship look like after God pronounces a curse upon man and this creation?  Can man really worship the one true God?

Living out the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 10:1-22 (LD 29; BC 35)

We might be tempted to think that there is not a whole lot we can learn from Israel or the history of Israel.  They are a people who lived under the Old Covenant and they were people who did bad things while we are the people who are going to do good things because we are more informed right?  The apostle Paul wants the church to learn things from Israel’s history.  How does Paul use their history to show that we can fall into similar things?  What does the history of Israel have to do with us, our sacraments, and even the Lord’s Supper?

Christ’s Family (Mark 3:7-35)

We can understand why people who were genetically tied to Abraham may be tempted to think that they had a better place or a guarantee of Yahweh’s love.  They have a genetic tie to the Lord giving them special privilege or so we think.  What about the immediate family of Christ?  They are those who witnessed the birth and maturing of Christ.  They really have a right to determine His treatment.  So, why is their intervention for Christ so wrong and so encouraging at the same time?

Why the Holy Spirit? (1 Corinthians 3; LD 20)

Sometimes as church members in America we can think that life is about me living for the Lord.  This is not necessarily a bad thing as we should all individually want to live for the Lord.  This is a mindset that really robs Christians of a great and higher understanding of the church.  So, what is the bigger picture of the church?  How does the Holy Spirit bless the church moving us beyond just a radical individual understanding of His blessings?