Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Savior

We can think of the Lord being in the midst of his people as a New Testament promise.  We think about Pentecost with the Holy Spirit being poured forth showing conclusively that the Lord is in the midst of His people.  Is it true that this is only a promise for the New Testament Church or is this promise truly rooted elsewhere?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Reminder (2) (Genesis 11:1-9)

The Lord has washed the face of the earth with a flood, but has delivered a household through the ordeal waters of death.  Has sin been washed off the face of the earth?  We know that Ham mocked his dad and did not bear fruit of being one of the seed of the woman so clearly there are still sinners walking on the earth.  However, did man learn his lesson from the flood?  Did man get the message that God will carry out His justice?  Or does God need to intervene to restrain man? How can God intervene now that he bound himself to preserve this creation until the final Sabbath?