Redeemed to Life Everlasting (LD 22; Revelation 6:9-11)

We know that before we can enter into the full bliss of heaven we need to be raised from the dead or enter heaven with a glorified body. We might wonder about our passage from this life to the life to come. Our temptation is to think maybe we go to sleep and enter a coma like state. We don't want to say that our soul needs to be more purified and so we wait for that process to finish. We enter heaven because of Christ's redemptive work. This is why we speak of the intermediate state. This is the state where our souls begin to taste our everlasting state, but not in the fullness because we have to wait for glory. This is why the saints in heaven are asking for Christ to return to make everything right.

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Redeemed as a Community (LD 21; Revelation 5:1-10)

The Lord's gospel call is incredibly gracious. It is amazing that the Lord calls us to bow our knees before him, and to receive true everlasting life for the sake of Christ and his merits. It is easy to think that this call is only for the present time or maybe it is just for me. However, as we look at the book of Revelation we notice that the picture is much bigger than just my response to the Gospel. Our faith response to the Gospel not only unites us to the Trinitarian God, but also unites us to the Church universal. What a gracious God to give us such a taste our our beautiful redemption as we walk in the power of His Spirit.

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The Souls under the Alter (Revelation 6:9-11)

Fikret opens the word of God from Revelation 6:9-11. We learn that the christian life is a life of suffering. It is not just suffering for the sake of suffering, but suffering in a sin cursed world. Christ is present with us in the midst of the suffering. Christ will defend his people as we hear the saints throughout the ages crying out to Christ.